Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Three not 10 years for Transition period to Federal system

From its beginnings during the Listening Tour of then Mayor Rodrigo Duterte in early 2015, HFMP has already proposed a Timetable to effect a shift to a federal system of government of the country. The whole process will take place during the term of the incoming administration and not beyond.

The elected President in 2016 shall lead the Transition during the second half of his term (2019-2022) without disruption in the discharge of his functions as incumbent President in the old Constitution.

HFMP reiterates that this process is not only feasible and doable but will not disrupt the midterm election and with the following practical steps that will include a three year transition period.

Step 1 - Convene and conduct the national consultation and drafting of the new Federal Constitution by the Presidential Study Committee (Executive Order No. 10 already signed on December 7, 2016 by President Rodrigo Duterte)

Step 2 - Submission of this proposed new Federal Constitution to the Philippine Congress which shall convene as a Constituent Assembly for the passage of the new Federal Constitution

Step 3 - Once enacted by Congress, the proposed new Federal Constitution shall be submitted to the people via a plebiscite simultaneous with the May 2019 mid-term elections

Step 4 - If approved by the people, preparations shall commence for the creation of the new Regional State Governments and preparation, transfer of powers, functions, resources by the National Federal Government to the new Regional State Government (3 year Transition from 2019-2022)

Step 5 - Holding of the first election under the new Federal Constitution on May 2022

Step 6 - Inauguration of the new Federal Republic of the Philippines with its new set of Federal National Officials and new set of Regional State Governments on June 30, 2022

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